Monday, September 10, 2012

Bologna - La Grassa

After a great evening with lots of interesting conversation and really good chocolate gelato, I nonetheless woke up pretty early and decided to take one last stroll through Bologna in order to find those long-sought markets. After a cappuccino and pastry, the typical Italian breakfast devoured in a bar on your way to start the day, I actually did find a huge market and was super excited - until I realized it was all clothes! I knew Italians are fashion-forward, but really? Well, never mind. Next stop was one of the must-do things I had missed yesterday (okay, maybe the planner personality struck again..) -the library and anatomy classroom of the old university! As the daughter of two anatomists, I couldn't let that opportunity pass. And the wood panelling, the statues of famous doctors and scientists, and best of all the statues of the two 'spellati' -the skinned ones - did not disappoint. Just imagine what it would have been like as a student of the 16th century, witnessing one of Europe's first scientific dissections, gave me goosebumps.
Making my way back to the train station, suddenly I see a fish stand. Then, a fruit vendor. And suddenly, I stumble over Bolognas main market street with the tiniest hole-in-the-wall produce vendors you can imagine. Foodie heaven. Happily in my train, munching on a perfectly ripe peach, I realize it is barely 11. Maybe starting the day early isn't such a bad idea after all...

(n.b. I am realizing that this app doesn't let me order the fotos I add, so I guess for longer photo-intensive posts like this one you will need some mental gymnastics to match image to story.. Sorry for that!)

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